Commercial premises
Smíchov City – SM2 – Commercial premises
The parterre of the SM2 residential building of the Smíchov City project offers interesting commercial premises. It is situated in a lucrative part of a newly emerging urban district located close to a public transport and Prague integrated transport hub.
At the same time, it is within easy reach of a green pedestrian zone that connects Na Knížecí with Praha‑Smíchov railway station. Designed by leading architectural studios, the premises in the buildings can be easily adapted to clients’ requirements.

Smíchov City – SM3 – Commercial premises
The SM3 residential building is situated parallel to the street Za Ženskými domovy, roughly in the middle of the space between Radlickou and Nádražní streets and offers another option of commercial space that can be adapted to the requirements of future clients. SM3, together with SM1 and SM2, forms a coherent urban block that will become a new important centre. The whole block has a pleasant human scale, will enhance urban life and will be an asset to the whole area.